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Dieting for Fertility

Obesity has many negative health consequences. Some are better known and documented than others. Recent studies have shown that yet another potential consequence of excess body fat is difficulty when it comes to pregnancy. Fertility problems are a growing problem in this country and around the world. One reason that is being hailed as a very growing cause is obesity.

While most people look immediately to the woman in the relationship for this particular problem the facts indicate that male obesity can also lead to a decreased sperm count, which can also inhibit fertility efforts and improvements.

Our body was designed for certain purposes. It is fully amazing how well each part of the human body functions to support and protect the others. There are very few machines that can compete with the design of our human body. After years to study the human body, there are still many matters hidden within. The truth comes down to this however, we put things into our bodies, and overuse our bodies in ways that our bodies were simply not designed to take and yet we still manage to adapt, cope and survive many of these circumstances.

It's amazing when you think about that the human body endures the many things it does without permanent and irrevocable damage. The good news for those trying to conceive is that the human body also has the unique ability to cure itself. This shows that those who find their efforts to conceive have been hindered by being obese have also seen helpful changes by losing as little as 5 to 10 percent of your capability to bear baby.

If couples are overweight then it might be a good idea to work together to shed those excess pounds and adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle. Being active when trying to conceive and throughout the pregnancy is a good idea for the female in the relationship at any rate as this can help in the process of labor and delivery.

If you are trying to conceive without success and have been doing so for more than a year it is probably in your best interest to seek the services of a fertility specialist or OB-Gynecologist in order to regulate out other possible considerations. Though it is rarely a bad idea to adopt a healthier life you should also consult your doctor before beginning a strict diet or weight loss routine in order to make sure there aren't other factors that may be causing your weight concerns. This is particularly true if you have gained a good deal of weight in a rather short amount of time.

In addition to conception difficulty, obesity can also lead to a higher risk of miscarriage/abortion once conception has occurred. Obesity also leads to a higher risk of conditions such as gestational diabetes during the pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, and in some cases still birth and birth defects. It is no small obstruction to a healthy pregnancy and should be carefully considered before attempting to conceive.

Another consideration when it comes to obesity and fertility is that being overweight can also hinder the influences of fertility treatments. This shows that the procedure is longer and will cost significantly more over time than if obesity were not an issue. When coupled with the risks to the child this is something that should not be taken for granted when making plans for fertility treatments.

If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is greater than 30 there are many fertility clinics that definitely won't offer their services or reject you. Some limit it to greater than 35 and others 40. If you feel that fertility managements are the only way of action available to you and your BMI is greater than 30, the first suggestion you are likely to hear is the offer that you make serious weight loss efforts and lifestyle changes before proceeding. You may find that once you begin to shed the pounds, fertility implementation is no longer needed.



  1. Anonymous On December 21, 2010 at 10:55 PM

    Losing wight with dieting is a bad experience. It re-gains whenever you start eating.

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      Unknown On May 30, 2012 at 1:22 AM

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      John Petter On May 30, 2012 at 3:43 AM

    Very nice post.
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      Unknown On June 5, 2015 at 5:18 AM

    My wife has come around to this way of thinking in the last year, and started lifting some kettlebells and doing some recommended stretches and yoga poses. (Oh, and I do the cooking.) After several months of work, she can do "real" pushups.

    And "suddenly" her nagging shoulder pain is gone and her waist has trimmed considerably. Hmmmm....

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